

  • Re: EGTs getting cooler and uneven.

    by » 13 years ago

    Nick, is no.1 and 3 plug from the left, from the same ignition system?


  • Re: EGTs getting cooler and uneven.

    by » 13 years ago

    The 2 plugs to the left are the PTO plugs...one which was cleaned a month or so ago...its mating plug was not cleaned...same applies to the 2 plugs on the right...mag end one was cleaned a month or so ago its mate was not,

    So its plugs 2 and 4 which show the correct colour,

    Sorry I know I have confused things.


  • Re: EGTs getting cooler and uneven.

    by » 13 years ago

    Nick, it's always better to clean and gap/replace all the plugs together at the same time to keep the balance but anyway, what I was trying to get at was wether one sparking system was at fault which would make one plug from each cylender mis fire, but in your case the unequal looking burning is down to cleaned/uncleaned plugs.
    You're going to have to look at the carb barrel symetry next then and let us know what you find.


  • Re: EGTs getting cooler and uneven.

    by » 13 years ago

    That will be my next check John...I have a suspicion that the gauge maybe at fault....Its a duel EGT...I have a spare but its a single...but it will give me an idea....the one that's low...lags before it starts reading after startup.


  • Re: EGTs getting cooler and uneven.

    by » 13 years ago


    Those plugs look pretty good. You may have a gauge problem. Usually, a misfiring plug will be much blacker than any of yours. A too rich mixture will usually leave the insulator a velvety black color and in extreme cases, a shiny, oily black all over. I believe I'd try John's idea and switch the probes and see if the temps follow the probes. You might also run the engine up to cruise rpm and give it an extra shot of gas with the primer or enrichener (choke) circuit. If it begins to bog down immediately, it may be running too rich. If it speeds up, its too lean.

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