9912ULS Ignition Module Issue, maybe
I did a first start after overhaul a couple weekends ago and found that I could not kill the engine with the key, I had to cut off the fuel supply. After reading through several forum posts I assumed I had a ground issue. This past weekend I traced all grounds and found them to all be good. I then checked the continuity from the switch (ACS) for each position (L - R - BOTH) and found that I got constant ground regardless of key position for the "R" or "B" module. I assumed it was a bad switch. Before pulling out I disconnected the lead from the switch to the modules and tested continuity on the "P" lead. Module "A" showed no connection between the lead and ground, but module "B" did show a good solid connection to ground. This leads me to think the module "B" is bad. It also leads me to think that when I started it up initially I was only ever running on module "A". I cannot confirm that by checking RPM because my super fancy JPI tach still isnt working, at all. I'd appreciate any thoughts or further testing ideas before I ship them both off to Florida.
Thanks in advance for ANY help.