

  • Re: 912 UL jetting

    by » 11 months ago

    Factory jetting has worked for decades and thousands of engines all over the world and under many different scenarios. Adjusting things without all the knowledge that went into the design, testing and tens of thousands of run hours usually isn't in the best interest of the engine and can have expensive results for the owner. Plus you'd have to defend yourself in case of an incident with your regulatory agency like the FAA, then the insurance company and then maybe in court when sued. You'd have to show you're smarter and have done far more testing than Rotax plus doing somethings to engines and or fuselage can be illegal depending on the circumstances.. 


    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: 912 UL jetting

    by » 11 months ago

    Rotax Wizard wrote:

    hi "Aviation Design"

    I am not going to run a full tutorial on how to best set your Bing.  To be clear I raced extensively during my life and am well aware of all the variants that can occur.  Bash my comment if you like but I find your input a bit argumentative.  Jetting is sensitive to a lot of things, like the fuel we use and the load you put on it with pitch.  I have never in over 35 years with the 9 series burned one down with factory jetting. Just my view on factory jetting. 


    hi "Rotax Wizard"

    In no way was my post argumentative. It was pointing out facts based on my first hand experience with hooking up a boatload of sensors to one of these engines and doing extensive testing, data collection, and analysis. You yourself actually supported my statements when you stated, "Jetting is sensitive to alot of things, like the fuel we use and the load you put on it with pitch." With that statement alone, you would then have to agree that while stock jetting callouts are a great starting point, they are not the ride or die numbers as they would vary depending on the fuel we use, and the load we place on the engine. 

    Chemistry is chemistry and the stoichiometric ratio at which an atomized fuel mixture most efficiently combusts doesnt change just because the engine has the name Rotax on it. I also in no way claimed that you would burn up an engine if left with stock jetting. I did make a statement that could be extrapolated to read that tuning will almost always give better results than when no attention is placed into tuning the carbs to the engine. Nothing more, nothing less.

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