

New RV-12iS with Rotax 912iS Sport Engine.  Little over 40 hours of flight time with NO problems, when during a Takeoff roll, the engine just quit.  There were Low Fuel Pressure and Low Oil pressure warnings as the engine quit but then all the engine gauges were inop (red X’s).  The 30 amp Gen Bus fuse and 5 amp DC power fuse were also blown. 

Van’s wanted to think that it was vapor lock but why did the fuses blow?  Van’s requested that we replaced the HIC which supplies power to the fuel pumps.  Turns out the two fuel pumps matched an Rotax AD and got replaced. 

Van’s wanted us to measure the resistance measured between the Lane A and Lane B grounds on the Rotax Fuse box.  The resistance was too low but after replacing HIC is now much higher.  The fuel pressure increased to normal readings of 46 psi.  We ran the engine several times and had even one trip around the pattern with no problems.

The next day, I was attempting to fly the plane.  Start normal.  Taxi normal.  Run UP Check normal until testing Lane A and Lane B.  The rpm was set to 4000.  When I got a warning from the Dynon Skyview, "ROTAX: LIMIT FLIGHT OP ("The Rotax engine has informed Skyview there is a problem with the engine.") but the engine continued to run however the engine gauges "RED Xed" again.  I taxied back in and shut the engine down.

We checked the fuses to find the 5 AMP DC power fuse bad but this time the 30 AMP Gen Bus fuse was OK. 

Now when we applied power neither of the Lanes, A or B, and neither of the fuel pumps would turn on.

We then turned on the EMS Backup Battery ON.  Lane A’s red light came on and then when back out and half the engine gauges had the red “X’s” removed.  Lane B appeared DEAD.  Both fuel pumps ran normally.

We don't have a BUD dongle, etc.  We have not be able to find anybody locally here in South CA who has one and is willing to work on the engine.  We finally sent an EMAIL to ROTAX and they sent us a new name but he hasn’t responded as of yet.

I have typed in “Want to buy Rotax BUD dongle” in the Internet but nowhere have I found anyone who sells them.  Does anybody have one I can use or know someone who sells them and if so, where?

My hammer (my only tool) is telling me that system which controls how Lane A and Lane B operate is now inop and may have played a part in the initial problem.  My guess it is in the Rotax Fuse Box.  I don’t know enough about the Engine Monitoring Computer System to think the problem may be there. 

Can you help?  Is there a way to test the circuits in the Rotax Fuse Box?

Do you have any idea of a Sothern CA Rotax tech or shop that can help?  

From the description of the events, can you point us in the correct direction to start to fix this issue?


Tom "GummiBear" Gummo

USAF Retired Major and F-4G Wild Weasel Instructor Pilot

Builder / Owner of a Harmon Rocket II  (RV-4 with an IO-540) 2001

Builder / Owner of a RV-12iS with an INOP Rotax 912is Sport engine 2023

Apple Valley Airport, Apple Valley, CA

Cell Phone 760 - 964 - 0229  (I am old.  Text first as I tend not to answer to unknown numbers)

email:  t.gummo@verizon.net


  • Re: 912iS Sport Engine Problem

    by » 2 years ago

    Goggle up Motive Aero in Hurricane Utah. They are the biggest independent Rotax Service Center in this part of the country. They can sell you a dongle. As I recall, they have a rotax center in California as well (different name I think). Let me know if they could help you as well as how it goes troubleshooting your problem.

  • Re: 912iS Sport Engine Problem

    by » 2 years ago

    Do you have discrete LANE A and B Warning Lights, or just the Dynon display?

    Which 30 Amp Fuse was Blown?
    What 5 Amp Fuse was Blown?
    Fuses do not "Go Bad", They blow for a reason.

    The Lane A and B grounds are NOT normally connected together.
    It is Not a matter of them being "Too Low" or "Much Higher".
    If either the Backup Power Switch or The Start Power Switch is ON, The Grounds should be Dead Shorted together.
    Otherwise, you should be seeing an Open Circuit.
    This is an ALL or Nothing connection, there is no middle Ground here. (Pun?)

    The fuses in the Engine FUSE BOX are detailed in the Heavy Maintenance Manual, Chapter 76-10-00, Page 39.

    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
    Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone.

  • Re: 912iS Sport Engine Problem

    by » 2 years ago

    Thanks, we will keep working on the issue.

    30 AMP Fuse  was the "GEN BUS FUSE"

    5 AMP Fuse was the "DC Power FUSE"

  • Re: 912iS Sport Engine Problem

    by » 2 years ago

    Thomas Lee Gummo wrote:

    Thanks, we will keep working on the issue.

    30 AMP Fuse  was the "GEN BUS FUSE"

    5 AMP Fuse was the "DC Power FUSE"

    GEN BUS FUSE ???  Gen A or Gen B or an Airframe Fuse?
    DC Power FUSE ???   A Fuse in the Engine Fuse Box or an Airframe Fuse?
    What does the Fuse power?

    Is your "Start Power" DISABLED after Starting?

    Bill Hertzel
    Rotax 912is
    North Ridgeville, OH, USA
    Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone.

  • Re: 912iS Sport Engine Problem

    by » 2 years ago

    Bill and Thomas,

    There is a wiring diagram for an RV-12 912iS at the link below. As a hypothesis, if the 5A fuse is F18 (start power) in the Rotax fusebox, and the 30A fuse is the “Gen Main Bus” as per the RV-12 iS wiring diagram, then a short in the wiring to/from the start power switch (relay) could take both fuses out.

    However, I’m not sure if a short in the start power circuit could shut down the engine.  It would seem like the start power relay would need to be engaged for that to happen - since the grounds would not be isolated in that case. In the post referenced below, the OPs start relay WAS staying closed. 


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