


I experienced wrong oil temps and my techs said the engine computer went out of order.
I need to purchase one. The serial number is 881252.
Can anyone help me with this? Including if someone wants to sell such a part?
Many thanks in advance
  • Re: Engine Computer

    by » 6 months ago


    Hello Yair,


    This situation is quite unusual, and it’s crucial to be absolutely certain that you need a new ECU, given their high cost.

    Have you contacted the Rotax distributor responsible for your area to get a diagnosis? Below is the contact information for the distributor covering your territory.


    Condor Aviation Industries, Ltd.

    6 Eshkolit, P.O.Box: 4528
    3088900 Caesarea

  • Re: Engine Computer

    by » 6 months ago


    Thank you for your reply.
    The technician of Condor Aviation Industries Ltd, Mr Yaron Kalina, stated that he checked the unit using a level 4 computer cable and found that the B module was faulty.
    In light of the high price of a new unit, is it possible to repair such a malfunction?
    If so - should I send you the unit?
    Many thanks,
    Yair Leibowitz

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