

Rotax manual(s) state that aircraft engines should be returned to a certified facility for inspection if stored for over two years.  My question is when that two year period starts... upon receipt, unpacking from the factory protection or when registered with Rotax.  All if these options can be very problematic for home builders considering all the delays in the industry.  Does not doing so void your factory and/or extended factory warranty even if it has been installed and turned over by hand routinely and been attached to a dehumidifier system?  Also, how can an owner verify the date his engine was registered?

  • Re: Storage question

    by » one month ago

    Hi Ken

    OK, there are a few questions here.  First we need to understand that the Rotax at the end of line is fitted and run on a dyno for performance and assembly issues.  After this it is prepared for shipping by packing in special corrosion bags and openings are sealed to remove risks of contamination.  That then is the delivery scope of a new engine.  Oils that are on the crankshaft bearings, gearbox, and valve train should be good for 24 months.  After this there are some checks and the engine should be rotated to ensure that these oils are not turning to solids in storage.  This is all detained in the manuals.  

    The 24 month time from the factory is generally started from the time you get the engine.  We however are sure that there is more than that when we consider the shipping and inventory times before a customer gets it.  Knowing this you should discuss this with your engine supplier.  Depending on your storage conditions, perhaps it is still new in the box and has the special plastic bag on it, the risk may be very low.  However if the engine was mounted on an airframe and the sealing plugs all removed, or perhaps it was even run some, then you have a lot more risk for corrosion or lubricants drying out.  This is where you need some expert advice on the Rotax.  They may do borescope, perhaps remove the gearbox for visual checks and check the crankshaft and cam via one cylinder.  If there is any doubts the engine should be fulling checked and put on a test bed to run and verify again.  

    As for the question of warranty and that word "void".  Simple fact is nobody can void a warranty as that is a legal contract between the customer and the manufacturer.  What might happen is if anything goes wrong and it is shown that incorrect storage was the issue then you are out of luck.  If the failure is unrelated then no problem.  

    As for the date of registration you can send a request to your selling OEM or dealer for the engine.  If they fail to answer that you can request that date by submitting your full engine serial number to the Rotax CSIR form online at www.flyrotax.com 

    One last thing.  I see you are in Alabama so there is a very good Rotax iRC, independent Repair Centre, in Lucedale MS.  South MIssissippi Light Aircraft.  They for sure can help you if you need support as a home builder. 



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