

  • Re: 9-Series Ring Mount (Suspension Frame) Rubber Mounts

    by » 6 months ago

    Hi John

    "Thanks for the catalog link. Looks like I've got some studying to do tomorrow."

    To be honest I am having a little difficulty with the problem/question, so the following may have no relevance whatsoever;

    Have you considered Barry 22002 range?

    5 diffrent durometers -  Axial Load: 60-380 lb.  Radial Load:40-280 lb.

    ID .500" -  so bolt OD 7/16 should fit.😈

  • Re: 9-Series Ring Mount (Suspension Frame) Rubber Mounts

    by » 6 months ago

    You can get the complete rubber/steel sleeve/ end caps/bolts assembly from Kitfox Aircraft. It works fine.

  • Re: 9-Series Ring Mount (Suspension Frame) Rubber Mounts

    by » 6 months ago

    Sean Griffin wrote:

    Hi John

    "Thanks for the catalog link. Looks like I've got some studying to do tomorrow."

    To be honest I am having a little difficulty with the problem/question, so the following may have no relevance whatsoever;

    Have you considered Barry 22002 range?

    5 diffrent durometers -  Axial Load: 60-380 lb.  Radial Load:40-280 lb.

    ID .500" -  so bolt OD 7/16 should fit.😈

     I actually already printed out all those 22000 Mount Series pages. You are right, the 22002 series looks promising. However, I would never be comfortable pretending to be a structural vibration engineer and choosing one of those isolators for the 912. It would be a total crap shoot. Also, you'd still have to find a sleeve for the 7/16" bolt to fit snugly in the 1/2" hole in the isolator.

    I'd rather hear from people who have flown other rubber mount systems that work. The Kitfox motor mount uses a dynafocal ring and matching rubber isolators which apparently works quite well. That's good information and I would consider buying and modifying some of those parts had I not already spent $1200 on a Rotax ring mount (assuming Kitfox would sell them to me in the first place).

    I've got some ideas I'm working on to make everything fit together. If they work I'll post the results here.

  • Re: 9-Series Ring Mount (Suspension Frame) Rubber Mounts

    by » 5 months ago

    "..........have to find a sleeve for the 7/16" bolt to fit snugly in the 1/2" hole ......"

    I admit to finding imperial dimensions challenging to work with, but does not a 7/16" OD fit  snugly enough into a 1/2" ID? 

    By my calculations  a 7/16" bolt into a 1/2" hole leaves 1.57mm ( .065" clearance). 

    If you are going to "sleeve" it the wall thickness would be less than half of the above (about .5mm) - may need to go for a smaller OD bolt with tickr sleeve walls or custom make a larger OD shank on a 7/16" bolt.

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