

For all who might be interested:

Rotax IRMT classes in Wasilla, Alaska

Here is the info: It is now officially on the Rotax web site at: www.rotaxirmt.com (you must register there).
More info on Ronnie Smith’s web site at: www.flysmla.com
Dates are: August 10th thru the 19th
Where: Mike Koskovich’s hanger on Seymour Lake (3A3), grass runway is Leisurewood (9AK6) that is in Meadow Lakes off of Pittman Rd.
3120 N. Alma Dr.
Wasilla, AK. 99623
Classes consist of: 2 stroke maintenance, 9 series service, 9 series maintenance, renewals (2 stroke and both 9 series courses) and the 9 series heavy course. They start at: 8AM and go all day long.
Details: Mike and Jane will be serving morning coffee and donuts and lunch (big Alaska style) each day…cost for that service is $25/day payable at the time of the class in cash or check, NO Credit Cards. Mike and Jane have one room available in their adjacent B&B at a cost of $115/day; first come first serve (Reserve a room by calling Mike at: 907 376 3465) …Ronnie Smith has the other one so he will be on site for the entire 9 day event including the Marshmallow roast on the lake each night. For those who wish to fly in, we will make arrangements for transient parking up at the grass strip 9AK6. Keep in mind this is a residential neighborhood so there are NO close restaurants or hotels but there are 3 restaurants within 5 miles and hotels in Wasilla about 7 miles east.
If you have any questions contact; Mike Sweeley 907-357-2275 or Glenn Johnmeyer 907-982 3829
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