

  • Re: New 582 shortblock overheating

    by » 14 years ago

    Hi Peter,

    Sitting at sea level I might just re-jet my carbs. If at some time in the future after the engine loosens up some and if the temps go down you can put the old jets back in.
    What type of oil do you use over there?

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: New 582 shortblock overheating

    by » 14 years ago

    I am using and have always used the Castrol TTS 2 stoke oil

    Thank you said by: Jean-Paul Dugas

  • Re: New 582 shortblock overheating

    by » 14 years ago

    Just a quick thought to consider. I didn't see if this is a factory short-block, or a rebuild.

    A friends 447 engine was refitted with new pistons, and honed to .002 clearance. Unfortunalely, it was honed to .002 DIFFERENCE only, which made it only .001 clearance all the way around. Factory spec calls for .0015 minimum clearance. His engine ran hot during the breakin. He had to have it re-honed to the proper factory clearance specs to loosen it up, and get back to proper temps. Running great, now.


  • Re: New 582 shortblock overheating

    by » 14 years ago

    Its a factory supplied new shortblock

  • Re: New 582 shortblock overheating

    by » 14 years ago

    Here is an update on this for all interested (note - I only get to use my microlight every few weeks, hence the delay)

    Over the weekend I diluted the existing coolant (Fleetguard ethelyn glycol premix) with distilled water to a +- mix of 80% Water / 20% pure coolant (on the basis that the existing was already 50/50)

    * Cruising temp dropped from about 77/78 to 71/72 degrees Celcius
    * Even with a pax it crusied at about 73degrees
    * Under extended climbing load the highest I got it to was 80degrees (with pax, 79 without pax), with the limiting factor becoming one EGT temp hitting about 620 (normally when cruising they are about 570)- this is a diff issue, which I will investigate later (probably mixture related)

    I am also going to get the timing checked, as I have been advised this could also be a factor if incorrect

    In the mean time I am a LOT happier, and confident enought to take a pax


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