

  • Re: Compensation Tube

    by » 5 months ago

    Like Roger said, I mounted my MAP sensor at a high point, used the small orifice to dampen pulses, and did one other important thing (I think):

    I mounted a small brass tee in the sensor line, at its lowest point. The 3rd leg of the tee is pointing down with a plug in it. Every annual, I remove the plug and drain any collected fuel. It never drains more than a drop, but at least I know it will be dry.

  • Re: Compensation Tube

    by » 5 months ago

    If it were me, I'd just get a 3/16" drill, drill a hole in the tube, then get a short piece of 3/16 OD tube and have it welded...but by the time you go through all that, $110 is cheap.

  • Re: Compensation Tube

    by » 5 months ago

    Hi james O,

    I like your idea of draining fuel from your fuel pressure tube, at the annual service.

    I will incorporate this suggestion into my schedule however not the T idea.

    For me, it's just as easy to pull the tube and drain any contents, without adding further fittings.

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