

  • Re: Suitable Starting Battery

    by » 14 years ago

    The lightest batteries with the highest available amperage I found are Hawker energy Cyclon series batteries.
    Just compare the max amperage of comparable batteries to them, the difference is huge.

    Also, since starting power is not only depending on the battery, but also on voltage losses, consider increasing the wire diameter of the leads going to the starter motor, but always use
    highly flexible wire. In some cases I used heavy gauge loudspeaker wire, when nothing else was availble. Works great.

    In some cases I have found cheap starter relays can create useless voltage drop, too. I tend to use
    the next bigger model for what I want to do, e.g. a relay for a Lycoming starter, as sold by Aircraft Spruce.

  • Re: Suitable Starting Battery

    by » 14 years ago

    has anybody tried #6 welding wire? its very flexible and handles alot of amps.

  • Re: Suitable Starting Battery

    by » 14 years ago

    I'ts all a matter of low voltage drop against high weight.
    Short, heavy wires are fine.

    Once I was given some wire from an Airbus about 3/4 in. diameter) for a homebuilt single-engine 180HP plane project.
    Needless to say: I did not use it, after I lifted the roll off the ground! ;-)

  • Re: Suitable Starting Battery

    by » 14 years ago

    roger that! Johan

  • Re: Suitable Starting Battery

    by » 14 years ago

    Hi all,

    I report back on my experiences so far using the SuperB 5200 battery for a month now.

    The overall conclusion is: SUPER.

    The Rotax 912 UL starts without any problem even when is relatively cold outside. The battery is recharged within 5 minutes (it has no memory). It is so light that I had to recalculate the CofG.

    Best regards Jan

    Thank you said by: Karl Kistler

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