

This topic was probably discussed numerous times, but perhaps we could do it again.
With ethanol being added to the fuel almost universally, we are potentially in trouble. Here is what I've done over the years.

Initially I'd buy 93 super 10% piss and add marine stabilizer to it. https://www.amazon.com/STA-BIL-22240-Marine-Vapor-Technology/dp/B00...
I did not have any issues.

A couple of years later a gas station nearby started to sell that new 90 octane no alcohol gas. Since my airport was at 650ft and one gets about 1 octane per 1000ft of altitude I started to use it; again, without issues. If I plan to go sea level, I'd add 10% of 100ll to bring octane 1 up.

Recently I moved to a different airport where gas without alcohol is not available within a reasonable distance. I plan to switch back to fuel additives. Do you think it is OK for the engine long term?

Another strategy I consider is to always fill one tank with 100ll (I have 4 tanks) and use it for take off and landings while using super with alcohol without stabilizer at other stages of flight. The idea is that if I have a problem I just switch to this tank.

Any other/better ideas people have and use? Am I doing something wrong? What are your experiences with stale gas?
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