

I replaced both my servo and TCU with new parts and it all worked well for 1 day and today I had no turbo charger for any of 3 takeoffs. 
Initially today the waste gate tested fine but I was never able to get more than ambient manifold pressure, about 31 inches.

When I looked at the servo the Bowden cable was all tangled up and after I untangled the mess I was unable to get the servo to do the waste gate test again, the servo would only turn in one direction which is why the cable got tangled in the first place.

Any ideas guys, thanks


  • Re: servo issue

    by » one year ago

    Hi Robert, I had the same issue with my bowden Cable on my 914 engine. It is a bad solution to leave all that extra length on the cable. What I did after the waste gate failure, was to cut the cable and leave only 1/4 inch after  tightening the security bolt, and adjust the gate to open and close to the usable limits. This worked well for me, and hope it will help you and other Pilots. Luis Cuttler, Mexico.


  • Re: servo issue

    by » one year ago

    Thanks Luis, that was an idea I had as well. I think quite possibly I didn’t have the cable tension correct either so now I’m hoping that the cable will still work after becoming tangled..


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