

  • Re: Lane A Red, Lane B Flashing Red

    by » one month ago


    Thank you again for all of the technical and moral support!

    A couple things still make no sense and greatly complicated the trouble shooting. The fact Lane A did not show a fault with the bad sensor when it was on by itself made me think the sensor was good and the problem was actually a wire path error that only showed its ugly head when both lanes were on simultaneously. Another indication supported thinking there was a possible short between the OPs and AATPs sensor wiring. The OPs was indicating an over pressure condition. Knowing both sensors have a (CPU) ground, +5V and signal line (2 Sigs in the AATPs) made me think possibly the +5V of the AATPs could be shorted to the Sig line of the OPs causing +5V back to the CPU making it think it was in an over pressure situation, and this also supported the thought this is why the faults only showed up with both lanes ON. The Signal out of the OPs while reading "Normal pressure" should be somewhere between  0V and +5V, near the mid range as opposed to the extreems.

    Not having any intimate knowledge of the internal configuration of the CPU or its programming made troubleshooting problematic. I guess Rotax keeps the CPU internal architecture Locked up tight to force the Bootleggers to do their own design work!
    So much for thinking the CPU lanes A and B are isolated from one another for redundancy. 

    My hope in posting this is that should someone else have similar fault symptoms they will have a little information that may help them avoid the assumptions I made. I would not have guessed two separate redundant systems would be so intertwined!

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