

Currently installing my 3rd exhaust system in 350 hrs.. 2 have cracked muffler where the 4t pipe inlet to muffler. 
I have an A/P installing this system. Starting the 912isSport the 4t pipe jumps out of muffler connector and rests with about a 1/2” offset.  Because I remember my 1st exhaust system had 2 springs on each side of connection,..I added springs to both sides. Upon start up again , 3t pipe jumped out. Repeated “my solution” to 3t. Connection. Started engine, 2t pipe jumps out. 
 I’ve put double springs on all 4 connections to the muffler. It now works, but I’m wondering if this is bandaid solution and I’ll be headed for another exhaust system in 100 hrs. 
 Is there possible another issue going on? Is it ok to have 4 springs at each connection?

  • Re: Exhaust system

    by » 2 years ago

    Is this a Rotax exhaust system or one produced by the aircraft manufacturer?  What type of aircraft is it?

    The exhaust joints being shaken out of place on the 912iS engine is not that uncommon and has been discussed on this forum before. Others have also used added springs and safety wire techniques to stop the exhaust joints from dislodging, typically at the muffler as you have seen.  

    A big factor is how you start the engine.  As per the OM the engine starts best around 55% throttle.  Unless you have a throttle position readout on your EFIS it’s hard to know where that is because it’s not linear with the throttle lever position.  On the Garmin G3X you will see the (small) throttle position indicator in the upper left of the engine strip.  This indication goes away and becomes an ECO mode indicator once the engine is started. It is provided to aid in the starting procedure.  

    I find my engine starts best cold at 60%, and some folks use settings as high as 85%.  There is no choke on the iS engine, but advancing the throttle commands the ECU to give a longer fuel pulse, so it has the same affect as a choke. If you have the throttle set correctly for a cold start, you should have to back off the throttle immediately upon starting to get the RPM down to 2100.  Experiment with different positions until your start smooths out.  It will never start completely smooth, but there are sweet spots which make a big difference.  Rotax provides a graph in the OM showing the starting behavior for different temps and throttle positions.  See attachment below. 



    36954_2_IMG_1526.png (You do not have access to download this file.)

  • Re: Exhaust system

    by » 2 years ago

    On my 912is sport I turn off the engine when achieving around 2250RPM. 


  • Re: Exhaust system

    by » 2 years ago

    It’s on a Bristell aircraft. Which I now understand is not a Rotax muffler. I’ve been starting it probably closer to the 1cm on the throttle. I’ll try 2cm. Thanks.

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