

I have recently carried my 400h service (390hrs).   After installing a new fuel filter (Rotax 874060) and cleaning the gascolator, I primed the fuel by running the pumps.  I am getting an over pressure of around 4.2 bar (60.9psi).    Any ideas?   Could air in the system cause this?

  • Re: High Fuel pressure after filter change.

    by » 6 weeks ago

    Do have a fuel pressure sender at the inlet of the fuel pressure regulator, or before the fine filter, or both? 

  • Re: High Fuel pressure after filter change.

    by » 6 weeks ago

    Hi Jeff. 
    I have a UMA sender connected to the outlet of the pumps. The sender has another small tube that is connected to the inlet manifold. Does this help?


  • Re: High Fuel pressure after filter change.

    by » 6 weeks ago

    The small tube going to the intake plenum is a pressure reference tube. This type of sender is the best practice because fuel pressure for the injected engines is best measured as compared to manifold pressure.  

    Given the location of your fuel sender, you are looking at pressure before the fine filter.  A high pressure reading at that location would typically indicate a partially clogged fine filter - which you just replaced.  I would put the old filter back in and see if the problem is resolved. It seems unlikely the new filter would be the problem, but it looks that way. Is it possible something got in the filter while being installed?  

     I am making the assumption that the gascolator is before the fuel pumps and functions as the coarse filter. A problem here would not raise the fuel pressure.  

  • Re: High Fuel pressure after filter change.

    by » 6 weeks ago

    Thx Jeff.  I’ll give that a go.  I’m 99.9% sure I didn’t get any foreign object in the fuel line. 
    The gascolator is before the fuel pumps. 

    I am surprised that the pumps can produce such a high pressure!!  Also, I would think that the regulators would maintain a 3bar pressure.  Your comment?

  • Re: High Fuel pressure after filter change.

    by » 6 weeks ago

    Hi all

    Jeff is correct, the fuel system regulator has to dump all extra volume back to tank and control the pressure in this way.  Any debris will show as high pressure.  In a quick check switch off one pump, if you are then fine for pressure it for sure is too much resistance on the return.  You can take the fuel pressure regulator out and inspect the housing for materials.  Check the fuel return check valves also.  I would not rely on the gascolator alone to trap all materials.  

    Just my thoughts.


    41433_2_reg screen check.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

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