

Hi, I am about to fit a ThermoStasis P6-H oil thermostat to my 912ULS. When I do the system purging procedure, with the thermostat fitted are there any extra considerations/ techniques needed to ensure no air is left in the system, particularly in the cooler? It seemed to me that with the thermostat fitted, when purging oil would likely bypass the cooler thus leaving air to remain in the system. Would it be the case that if there was any air at all in the system then you would never get oil pressure showing on the gauge when turning the prop by hand as called for in the purging procedure? Or am I thinking and worrying about it all too much?
  • Re: Oil thermostat fitting

    by » 13 years ago

    Hi, I installed a thermostat on my 912uls. It is intimidating, but if you follow the rotax instructions it is really actually not difficult.

    Most thermostats do not shut the flow of oil off completely when closed, so with this, oil goes into the cooler and it's lines in the purgeing process.

    The hose fittings to the oil cooler should be on the top of the oil cooler so no air can be trapped in the cooler, besides that , with following the rotax directions everthing went smooth.

    I would not hesitate to do it again.

    Hope this helps.

  • Re: Oil thermostat fitting

    by » 13 years ago


    I installed the Thermostasis on my 912uls. Kevin is right, keep the fittings on the oil cooler on top or it can be difficult to get the air out. When the thermostasis is closed, it still bypasses some oil through the cooler. One extra step I took was to fill the oil cooler with oil before I hooked up the oil lines. After that, just follow the Rotax purge procedure and you'll have no problem.

    My thermostat cut my warmup time considerably. I think you'll be pleased with it.


  • Re: Oil thermostat fitting

    by » 13 years ago

    Thank you Kevin and Bill, sounds good! I've got the parts now so will be fitting them soon in accordance with your advice. Cheers!

  • Re: Oil thermostat fitting

    by » 12 years ago

    Hi Jonathan:
    The only special precaution I'd recommend is to do your best to fill the oil cooler and oil hoses before performing the Rotax purging procedure. On my 912 I detach the oil hose from the oil tank and use a small funnel to fill the oil cooler and hoses.
    I've attached a recent technical note that provides some additional information on connecting the oil hoses to your oil thermostat.
    Mike Brown

    RotaxOilThermostatTechnicalNote6-29-12.pdf (You do not have access to download this file.)

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