

What is the best Facet pump for a single carb 447? I understand I don't want too much pressure and I want it for priming and back up situations; not full time. Also could someone give me a link to where I can read on checking the timing? It is single plug Ducati.
  • Re: E-fuel pump

    by » 13 years ago


    The facet I use is a 3psi pump. There are two schools of thought on how to install the pump. Easiest way is in series. In this configuration fuel flows through the facet to the pulse pump when the facet is turned off. Proper method is to plumb them parallel with a bypass and check valve around the facet. I have plumbed them both ways with no problems. Use the lower pressure facet. Rotax specs call for pressure between 3 and 6 psi for your engine.

    If you go to the top of the page under support, you can download all the ignition specs from the installation and maintenance manuals. Unfortunately, they do not tell how to set the timing. If you go to the California Power Systems (airwolf) website, you can get complete and detailed instructions on how to set the timing for the CDI and point type ignition systems. It takes a little digging on their website but go to "care and feeding of the Rotax engine". You will need a dial indicator to find top dead center and timing advance but, other than that, it's a pretty simple procedure.


    Thank you said by: Rick Fraley

  • Re: E-fuel pump

    by » 13 years ago


    I found it. Go to the CPS website and click on tech info at top of page, then click on tech articles.


    Thank you said by: Rick Fraley

  • Re: E-fuel pump

    by » 13 years ago

    Thanks Bill, which of these do you think? http://www.aircraftspruce.com/menus/ep/fuelpumps_0facetelectric.html --Looks like any of the 1st 3 should do. My engine also is loading up some when I give it throttle after a slow down, I read another post from way back where you told a guy to give it choke at this point to distinguish between fuel & ignition. Haven't done that yet but will next time out. Thought I would eliminate timing also. It is not real bad and only 7 hours run time so it might get better on its own -----------rick

  • Re: E-fuel pump

    by » 13 years ago

    Bill, went to CPS and I have already read this procedure but it is for points and I don't have points. Seems like the procedure would be similar but not exactly the same for CDI and I can't find any procedure for CDI. Too bad they don't just have marks to shine a timing light on, too simple I guess.-----rick

  • Re: E-fuel pump

    by » 13 years ago


    The #40105 pump is the one I used.

    If you go back to that list of tech articles at CPS, you will find an article on how to set the point ignition. If you look further down the the list, there is a separate article on how to set the Ducati CDI ignition. That is the one you want.

    Chances are that your timing is OK. The Ducati ignition has no moving parts and no points or cams to wear or burn. Once it is set it pretty much stays set.

    The choke trick won't really tell you much about the ignition. It just roughly indicates whether you are running a too rich or too lean mixture.


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