

Hello all. I am getting about 5.8GPH of fuel consumption while running 5200RPM at about 1500FT ASL. Rotax says, if memory serves, less than 5GPH at this RPM. I use premium auto gas unless I am traveling but I get about the same with 100LL.

I am swinging a 70" three blade Warp Drive with the pitch set for 5600RPM WOT straight and level, just like Roger Lee recommends.

What kind of fuel burn are the rest of you getting?

  • Re: 912ULS fuel consumption

    by » 13 years ago

    Hi Alan,

    This can be a tricky subject because it assumes we all have our fuel flow transducers set properly. If yours is set properly then I would think you may be just a tad high, but not much. I think most at 5200 rpm are about 4.8 - 5.2 gph, but again that assumes the fuel reading is correct. There are a few other factors in play and because each plane, prop and fuselage combo is different and the gph will be a little different.
    you should do a good fuel level and use check for about 10 flights to get a good average and flow and then adjust the "K" factor for the transducer.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: 912ULS fuel consumption

    by » 13 years ago

    Hey Roger,

    Thanks for your reply. I do not have any kind of fuel flow system. My Highlander is "old school" with strictly day VFR instruments, no glass, and only translucent fuel tanks for level indications. I have been calculating fuel consumption for several years now and have found that I can fly for 1.6 hours on the Hobbs and use a tad over 9 gallons. I know the exact fuel usage because that is how much fuel is available in one tank. I don't routinely let the engine run out of fuel before swapping tanks but it has happened.


  • Re: 912ULS fuel consumption

    by » 13 years ago

    Hi Alan,

    What is you WOT rpm at your average altitude?
    Prop pitch affects fuel consumption. Set the prop to get 5550-5700 rpm at WOT flat and level at your average altitude. A little too much pitch regardless of the cruise rpm will cost fuel economy. You are using about .8-1 gph more than I am for 5200 rpm. Remember there are a few other factors in play here and they aren't something we have control over. Where you are using 9 gph at 1.6 hrs I'm at around 7-7.5 gph. Too compare fuel usage against different planes, different fuselages, different fuel read out systems and weather can be tough to pin down for a comparison.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: 912ULS fuel consumption

    by » 13 years ago

    Hi, I get 4.8 gph with my 912ULS with take off weight of 1270 lbs (solo, full fuel, 30lbs luggage),its

    Kitfox 5 taildragger .

    I have the Ivo inflight adjustable propeller on it so that really helps in all the performance areas

    and with fuel consumtion. At gross weight of 1550 lbs I usually burn 5.0 gph .

    These gph's are with 5100-5150 rpm and 25.5 " MAP cruise and with premium unleaded.

  • Re: 912ULS fuel consumption

    by » 13 years ago

    Hi Roger,

    I have the Warp pitched for 5600RPM at WOT at 1500FT MSL. Since I live on the Gulf Coast, that is also AGL. I have heard it said that the Warp is very heavy and will cause higher fuel burn. Any truth to that?


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