

“Heavy duty four stroke motor cycle oils meet all the requirements.”
“API classification SF or SG”
In hard copy manual those arethe primary statements about what oil to use.
There in the manual itself there is no list of brands.

As far I can tell in 700 hours on our 912UL results with
Castrol Actevo Xtra 4T 10-40W semi-synthetic, a motorcycle oil, it is highly satisfactory.
And fits the above criteria out of the manual. It's not cheap, but less than the oils for Rotax than CPS and the other Rotax type vendors sell, and locally available at the motorcycle shop.

I did find somewhere that Rotax recommends Aeroshell Sport Plus 4 specifically/particularly if running primarily on leaded fuel, but that stuff is costly and not available locally.... a bit of a PITA to order.

# Anyone using or have opinions or info on Castrol Actevo Xtra?
# Is there a current list of suggested or approved specific oil brands?
# What are you using, and why?

  • Re: Is there a comprehensive list of recommended oils?

    by » 10 years ago

    Here is the list of oils (and coolant/fuel) SI-912-016.
    The problem I have with auto and motorcycle oils is that they change the formulations without warning. Oil that has worked well for years can suddenly have poor characteristics. (remember the Motul issues?)
    - Shell has guaranteed not to change the formulation of Aeroshell Sport +4.

    The overhaul shop reports good results with Aeroshell Sport. 10,000 hrs on one recent engine with 3 of the original cylinders still within 50% limits.

    I have not heard of anything bad about Castrol Actevo but I cant say I know anything about it, is it new?
    SI-912-016R8_Selectionofsuitableoperatingfluids.pdf (You do not have access to download this file.)

  • Re: Is there a comprehensive list of recommended oils?

    by » 10 years ago


    The synthetic component of semi-synthetic oils will not hold lead in suspension. It will tend to form sludge in the neither regions of the engine if pure synthetic is used for example. Semi-synthetic oils will vary in their ability to hold the lead in suspension until the next oil change, or until the filter can remove part of it. If you use much Avgas, I would follow Rotax recommendations and use the Aeroshell sport, unless you can find trustworthy test data that shows another oil is superior.

    Just my humble opinion.

    Kevin K.
    Sonex Jabiru 3300

  • Re: Is there a comprehensive list of recommended oils?

    by » 10 years ago

    You want an oil with API SJ because it has highest levels of ZDDP for cam/tappet protection.
    Mobil V-Twin and Mobil 4T have the highest but are expensive. Valveoline makes a full syn 4T with SJ designation at about $2/qt cheaper. Better to use unleaded mogas if possible because the lower operating temps of 912 will deposit lead from avgas. Lycs and Conts operate at 100-150F higher so lead remains in exhaust and does not deposit so easily. If you have to use leaded avgas, a semi-syn will hold lead better than pure syn. You can make your own semi-syn by blending a 50:50 mix of mineral and syn SJ oils.

  • Re: Is there a comprehensive list of recommended oils?

    by » 10 years ago

    Why not just use Aeroshell Sport Plus 4 as Rotax recommends?
    -It has the correct amount of gearbox additives. Motorcycle engines may have gear additives but they do not have to drive a huge centrifugal force like a propeller.
    -It does not foam in the engine as some re-formulated oil do. Automotive oil manufacturers change formulation and do not advertise what has changed. We may be starting to see problems with Mobil-1 (still gathering information from damaged engines). Aeroshell has guaranteed they will not change the formulation without Rotax testing/approval.
    -It has extra cleaners for the lead in avgas
    -Lastly, it is cheap compared to other oil such as Mobil-1 Racing 4T.

  • Re: Is there a comprehensive list of recommended oils?

    by » 4 years ago

    Hello everybody I live in Ecuador and nobody here inport Aeroshell Plus, maybe sombody can tell if the Motul 7100 5W40 is good for Rotax 912? I have a few racing motorcycles and this is excellent for this porpouse.

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