Enjoy a casual weekend at the Aerodrome Wels in Austria amongst flight enthusiasts from all over the world. Rotax has planned a program with exciting activities and catering, and are looking forward to welcoming you.
When: 20.08.2021 - 22.08.2021
Where: Aerodrome "Wels": LOLW (https://wmw.at/de)
Entry fee: free of charge
• Tour at BRP-Rotax
• Promotion and test flights with 912iS and 915iS engines
• Product workshop with focus on injection engines
• Presentation of VR-technology for 3D-Engine maintenance
• BBQ and drinks with live band (Saturday evening)
• Flight simulator
• Presentation of the Rotax Service Mobil
• Breakfast only for camping Fly-In pilots and crew (Saturday and Sunday)
See the whole program on the website