Re: 912 ULS Crankshaft Nut Torque Question
by Todd Bailey » 9 months ago
Hi guys,
I just wanted to follow up and let you know how everything came out.
The gearbox work was due to a prop-strike on my Flyitalia MD3 Rider (registered as experimental) when the nose gear fork folded over during a crosswind landing. I was down on the mains, had just applied right rudder to maintain center when the nose gear touched down and, apparently, that lateral load caused the fork to folder over. The fork was aluminum and had very bad inner-granular corrosion and internal cracks which was not visible on the outside. My A&P said it was just a matter of "when" it was going to fail, but I still felt bad about it.
Lockwood inspected my gearbox. There was no damage from the prop strike but there was some wear of the gears so I had them replace the gears anyway. I got a new Sensenich three blade prop and had a new nose gear fork fabricated from steel.
The crankshaft nut and gearbox reinstall went perfectly. I studied and followed all the instruction from the manuals, made up a checklist of steps and had purchased the tools to do the job right. It actually turned out easier than I had hoped and everything went exactly right the first time! I really appreciate the advice from Rotax Wizard and Roger.
The prob install was fairly easy too, although I did re-pitch twice to get to the correct ground RPM. I now have 15 hours on the new setup (with a prop re-torque at 5 hours) and everything is looking very good. The new prop seems to be worth about 20 extra horsepower. Before a good climb rate was 1000fpm and now it will easily break 1200fpm. 😁
Thanks again for the help!
Re: 912 ULS Crankshaft Nut Torque Question
by Roger Lee » 9 months ago
Glad it all worked out. Time to fly and have fun now.
Roger Lee
LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
520-349-7056 Cell
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