

Looking for advice on running this software on a new Windows computer with Chrome OS.

Is it possible?




  • Re: 914 TLR Software

    by » 4 months ago

    I have it running under Windows 10 but I don’t use it anymore because the Windows based BUDS software works as long as your TCU is not too old. 

    Thank you said by: Paul Greig

  • Re: 914 TLR Software

    by » 4 months ago

    Thanks Robert,


    I have managed to get it working on another machine (loaned).  It was looking like I might have to buy a new laptop - which naturally would have a more modern OS than Windows 10.  For the record we got it running on another computer running Windows 11.  The throttle is now calibrated.  My TCU is the 966 741 version.





  • Re: 914 TLR Software

    by » 4 months ago

    That version of TCU should work with BUDS software. That should save you some hassle with computers and operating systems. 

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