

I have a CHT sensor out and an oil temp sensor going out. I am not eager to spend $186/ea.
My airplane is certificated as EXPERIMENTAL. 2007 FD CTSW.
What sensor choices do I have?
What is the thread size of the sensor port?
The sensors in there now appear to be the same as the VDO 801/10/1.
  • Re: 912 CHT sensor

    by » 13 years ago


    Shop around for temp sensors. They are a LOT cheaper than $186.00. Try Grand Rapids Technologies, California Power Systems, Aircraft spruce, etc. The oil temp, cylinder head temp, and coolant temp. sensors are all the same sensor. It's range is usually 80 to 300 degrees. You should be able to find sensors for around $40.00. I think the thread size for the cylinder head sensor port is 10mm x 1.5p. The oil pressure sensor is expensive. A little hint here. If you mount the pressure sensor on the firewall instead of screwing it directly into the engine, it will last longer. (less vibration)


  • Re: 912 CHT sensor

    by » 13 years ago

    I've looked around and asked some pretty experienced mechanics. The identical sensor with a slightly different thread costs $20 vs. $186. I'm going to look hard until I find a way to get the same quality for a more reasonable price.
    Has anyone tried the ring CHT sensors? I'm not crazy about them, but....
    So far, I am not finding the replacement sensor.

  • Re: 912 CHT sensor

    by » 13 years ago

    Do not use the under the plug ring CHT sensor on the 912. The CHT probes that VDO has are usually very reliable and if you look around can be found at less cost. These probes are very sensitive to poor grounding and loose connections. It is rare to be the probe itself. I have been installing better grounds on the CT's which has fixed peoples issues with fluctuating readings. FD's has too much resistance and goes too many places before it gets to a solid grounding point.

    Roger Lee
    LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC
    Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)
    520-349-7056 Cell

  • Re: 912 CHT sensor

    by » 13 years ago


    Give Grand rapids technologies a call. They don't show the 10mm probe on their website, just the 1/8 npt, but they do have them. they are about $35.00. Roger is right about the sensitivity. I never use loktite or thread sealant on the probes. It can interfere with the ground. Sometimes just cleaning the probes solves the problem. Dissimilar metals have a tendency to corrode and affect the grounding.


  • Re: 912 CHT sensor

    by » 13 years ago

    Roger, WHY not use the plug ring CHT? I know on the Continental I was used to running they would run about 50° cooler than the others but they were reliable. What is specific down side to using them on the Rotax?

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